About me
I'm currently a PhD student at Cosmic DAWN Center, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.
I received my Master degree at Department of Astronomy, Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Zheng Cai.
Prior to that, I earned my Bachelor's degree with honors in Aerospace Engineering from the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Sichuan University. During undergraduate study, I spent six-week at UC Berkeley in summer 2019 for astronomy program.
My current work focuses on understanding galaxy evolution using JWST. I'm actively engaged in data reduction for JWST NIRCam/NIRISS WFSS. At Cosmic DAWN Center, I'm working with Lise Christensen and Koki Kakichi, focusing on COSMOS-3D survey. At Tsinghua, I was working with Zheng Cai and Xin Wang (NAOC) on measuring the metallicity gradient of high redshift galaxies. I'm trying to explore the redshift evolution of metallicity gradients, which can be possibly explained by the combination of gas inflow and outflow at different evolution stage. Beyond that, I'm also searching for the imprints of environmental effects on galaxies' properties through cosmic time, e.g., stellar mass, SFR and chemical abundance.
Perviously, I worked with Ben Horowitz (Princeton) about reconstructing the large scale structure through Lyman alpha forest. We developed new technique to map the density field of the large scale structure and helps us to study the correlation of galaxies and their environments.
I was born and grown up in ChongQing, a city in the southwest China, famous as the city of mountain and fog.
I started looking into the sky since I can remember and ever since then, the starry sky has become an indispensible part of my life.
I am deeply indebted to everyone who has supported me in my academic career.
View full publication list here on ADS
0. Cosmic Evolution of Chemical Abundance Gradients
I'm trying to study the cosmic evolution of chemical abundance gradients in galaxies from z=0-9 using JWST.
More coming soon...
1. A Tentative Lensed Rotating Disk at z=8.34 detected by JWST NIRCam WFSS with Dynamical Forward Modeling
In this work, we have developed a new grism dynamical modeling methodology for JWST NIRCam slitless spectroscopy. we report galaxy MACS0416-Y3 behind the lensing cluster MACSJ0416.1--2403 as a tentative rotating disk at z=8.34 detected through its [OIII]$\lambda5007$ emission, using the data from "Median-band Astrophysics with the Grism of NIRCam in Frontier Fields" (MAGNIF), a JWST Cycle-2 program.
arXiv: 2310.09327
2. Census of Metallicity Gradients in Overdense Environments
In this work, we use the HST slitless spectroscopy (grism) to study the member galaxies in an extremely massive protocluster BOSS1244. With the spatially resolved emission maps ([OIII], [OII], Hb, Ha, Hg) obtained by HST grism, we are able to measure the spatial distribution of metallicity based on empirical strong line calibrations. We find a notable fraction of inversed gradients (the relative abundance of oxygen increasing with galactocentric radius) in our sample. We interpret this trend as the effects of enhanced cold mode accretion in protocluster environments, thus stressing the importance of gas accretion in galaxy evolution in protoclusters.
Link: ApJL 929, L8.
3. Lyman Alpha Tomography based on TensorFlow
In this work, we propose a new technique that reconstruct the Large Scale Structure using lyα forest in multiple sightlines from background galaxies or QSOs. Based TensorFlow and able to utilize GPUs, this algorithm is 10-100 times faster than traditional method like Wiener Filter as implemented in Dachshund. We find the reconstructed error and accuracy of the cosmic web classification are both improved with our algorithm. We apply our algorithm in CLAMATO data and also predict the cosmic web reconstruction ability using next-generation telescopes, e.g., DESI and TMT.
Link: ApJ, 916, 20.
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2024--, PhD student in Astronomy, University of Copenhagen
2021--2024, M.sc in Astronomy, Tsinghua University
2019 summer, visiting student, University of California, Berkeley
2017--2021, B.Eng. in Aerospace Engineering, Sichuan University
- 2020, MITACS Research Fellow, University of Victoria
- Aug. 2024. "Insights into cosmic evolution of gas-phase metallicity gradients with JWST", invited talk at Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop. (Santa Cruz, US)
- May, 2023. "The Metal-enrichment of Low Mass Galaxies from cosmic dawn to noon (z~2-7) in the JWST Era", contributed talk at Chinese Astronomical Society Guoshoujing Symposium on Galaxies and Cosmology. (Huangshan, China)
- April, 2023. "Research progress with HST/JWST slitless spectrograph and science preparation for CSST", contributed
talk at China Space Statation Telescope Conference 2023. (Huairou, China)
Adress: Cosmic Dawn Center, Niels Bohr Building, Rådmandsgade 62-64, 2200 Copenhagen N